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Excellence Scholarship - China, Taiwan, Hong Kong

  • Bond University
  • Scholarship Value:25% tuition
  • Campus(es):Gold Coast
  • Onshore/Offshore:All
  • Application Deadline:30/06/2020,16/10/2020

Scholarship Description

Bond University offers high academic achievers from China, Taiwan and Hong Kong with tuition remission scholarships. The Excellence Scholarship - China, Taiwan, Hong Kong is awarded on the basis of academic excellence and are a testament to Bond University’s commitment to quality and outstanding international students. High achieving citizens of China, Taiwan and Hong Kong who are currently residing inside or outside of Australia are encouraged to apply.

Basic Information

Accommodation/Relocation Scholarship
Qualification Level Bachelor Degree (Undergraduate),Masters Degree (Postgraduate)
Automatic Processing NO
Application Process Students must complete the Bond University Online Application Form to receive their program offer before applying for this scholarship. Once an offer has been received, students must complete the Excellence Scholarship Application Form. The form must be completed in full and returned to international@bond.edu.au by the relevant application closing date.

Scholarship Requirements

Academic Grade
Course Discipline Available All
Nationality Requirements China,Taiwan,Hong Kong
Academic Background Required Have already received an offer from Bond University to commence either an undergraduate or postgraduate degree
English Requirements
Other Requirements 1.The following programs are not eligible for consideration for scholarships – Master of Psychology, Study Abroad and Exchange Programs, Bachelor of Medical Studies and Doctor of Physiotherapy. 2.The successful award recipient must: comply with Bond’s general scholarship terms and conditions maintain a minimum average of 65% or better in their program be enrolled on a full-time basis participate in promotional activities arranged by the University.
Interview Required NO